Rotary Club of Mississauga supports the Red Shawl LIFT project working with Newcomer Women.
The aim is to give young women who have been left behind a lift out of their diminishing circumstances. LIFT is a collaborative framework to empower prospect students and recent graduates to enhance their skills and knowledge to live wholesome and fulfilled lives. We are partnering with Sheridan college Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, other community partners and supporters to offer comprehensive wraparound services to our target group. Red Shawl wishes to thank Rotary Club of Mississauga for their support for training Newcomer Women in the skilled trades.

Letter from Red Shawl
I am writing to express our sincere gratitude for your generous support to Red Shawl women’s Community
Organization. Rotary Club of Mississauga’s funds of $3500 have enabled us to offer LIFT project, a needs-
based program to lift young women out of their diminishing circumstances. Thank you for continuing to
enable us to enhance women’s lives. Though Youth-specific programs are becoming more common, but
the biggest challenges they face is failure to succeed in education system. LIFT project has two streams to
empower them to pursue their dream education and career development.
We would like to thank you for your timely support which enables us to serve the women in need and give
back to the community.
Organization. Rotary Club of Mississauga’s funds of $3500 have enabled us to offer LIFT project, a needs-
based program to lift young women out of their diminishing circumstances. Thank you for continuing to
enable us to enhance women’s lives. Though Youth-specific programs are becoming more common, but
the biggest challenges they face is failure to succeed in education system. LIFT project has two streams to
empower them to pursue their dream education and career development.
We would like to thank you for your timely support which enables us to serve the women in need and give
back to the community.
Zari Gill
Red Shawl women’s community organization
Red Shawl women’s community organization