Lobsterfest is only FOUR WEEKS away!  Tom and Tony would like everyone to sell, sell and sell those tickets! Tax receipts available for a portion of the ticket.  Tables of 10 can only be reserved by handing in your cheque to Murray and advising Tom.

The  Lobsterfest is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th. The location is at the St. John's Hall located at 2185 Stavebank Road, Mississauga. Please mark this date on your calendar.

Also donations from Rotarians for the always successful raffle would be most appreciated. Please let Tony Collings know if you have any items.

If Rotarians have sons or daughters and their friends who would be available to help with serving the meal, please see Riki.  He will be handling the volunteers.

Good Luck with you selling, Lets make this the biggest year yet.

Thank you.
