Rotary Club of Mississauga supports the HPIC's mission with hands on assistance in packing boxes of medicine and vitamins to be sent to earthquake devastated Turkey and Syria, war zone Ukraine and provided funding to assist in funding the cost of shipping the goods. The partnership with the Rotary Club of Mississauga means so much to us! I am also happy to report that we raise $6,000 as part of the Christmas event which means delivering $60,000 in medicines to people in need.
I wanted to say thank you to everyone from Rotary Club of Mississauga who came out to help pack boxes in February and to those Rotarians that attended our Health & Hope for the Holidays event. I was privileged to have you spend the evening with us! And many thanks for your gift to HPIC’s mission. Your partnership means so much to us! I am also happy to report that we raise $6,000 as part of the Christmas event which means delivering $60,000 in medicines to people in need.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Dayana Gomez
Director, Philanthropy & Communications