The Rotary Club of Mississauga welcomes six new members. Rotary is an international membership organization made up of people who share a passion for and commitment to enhancing communities and improving lives across the world. Rotary clubs exist in almost every country. Our members change lives locally and connect with other clubs to work on international projects that address today’s most pressing challenges.
Being a member is an opportunity to take action and make a difference, and it brings personal rewards and lifelong friendships in the process. The causes we target to maximize our impact are called our areas of focus. Our most successful and sustainable projects and activities fall within these areas.
How is Rotary Structured? The club is the most important component of Rotary’s organizational structure. Each Rotary club is considered a member of Rotary International. There are more than 1.2 million Rotary club members, or Rotarians around the world who belong to clubs. There are over 35,000 Rotary clubs grouped into about 530 districts. These districts are organized into 34 regional zones.
The first Rotary Club was started in Chicago, Illinois, USA in 1905 by an Attorney named Paul Harris. Harris wanted to bring together a group of professionals with different backgrounds and skills as a way to exchange ideas and form meaningful acquaintances.
Rotary Principles Rotary was founded on principles that remain at the heart of the organization today. These principles reflect our core values – integrity, diversity, service, leadership and fellowship or friendship.
We channel our commitment to service through five areas of Service, which are the foundation of our club activity: Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, International Service and Youth Services.