RCOM provides Grant funding of $3000 to go to Scouts Canada 93rd MNN Mississauga Scout for a Nature/adventure educational trip/Western Canada Banff/ Jasper Trip. Funding would support a leadership scouting adventure for the scout and vent youth (ages 11-17) to be able to gain experience with high level outdoor adventures.
RCOM provides Grant funding of $3000 to go to Scouts Canada 93rd MNN Mississauga Scout for a Nature/adventure educational trip/Western Canada Banff/ Jasper Trip. Funding would support a leadership scouting adventure for the scout and vent youth (ages 11-17) to be able to gain experience with high level outdoor adventures including hiking, canoe/ kayaking/ rafting, outdoor cooking; foraging for edibles; connecting and learning from local Indigenous Elders, and much more. Rotary funding will help subsidize the costs to participants. Making the total cost more affordable to all the scouts and especially families that are looking for the $1500 cost for their child. This will the first plane trip for many of the scouts and an experience to be remembered and treasured in their young lives.